Welcome to Keystone Immigration free Sponsorship Evaluation Form. Please spend a few moments answering the questions below. Our Expert team will call you back soon.
To be eligible to sponsor your foreign relatives for Canadian immigration you must be at least 18 years of age.
To be eligible to sponsor your foreign relatives for Canadian immigration you must be at least 18 years of age.
To be eligible to sponsor your foreign relatives for Canadian immigration you must be either a Canadian citizen or Canadian permanent resident. If you are interested in immigration to Canada, we invite you to complete our General Immigration Assessment Form.
You sponsor is ineligible to sponsor you. A sponsor needs to sign an undertaking to provide for the basic needs of the person they sponsor. Basic needs such as - Food, shelter, clothing, financial support etc..
Your sponsor is ineligible to sponsor you.
You are ineligible to sponsor if you do not plan to live inside Canada after the person you are sponsoring becomes a Permanent Resident.
Please answer the following questions to check your eligibility. You can change your response by using the toggle button.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You cannot sponsor someone who is ineligible to enter Canada.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
All options are pre-selected as NO. You can change your response by using the toggle button.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor as you are still bound by the 3 year undertaking to take care of this person.
You are ineligible to sponsor as you already applied to sponsor the spouse, parent or child you are currently seeking to sponsor and a decision on that application hasn’t been made
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
You cannot sponsor someone who is ineligible to enter Canada.
You are ineligible to sponsor.
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Your sponsor is ineligible to sponsor you.